Cairo: Pyramids, Sakkara & Memphis ab hurghada
Cairo: Pyramids, Sakkara & Memphis ab hurghada

Cairo: Pyramids, Sakkara & Memphis ab hurghada

Оригинална цена је била: $175.00.Тренутна цена је: $170.00.

Gain a deep insight into Ancient Egypt on this full-day tour of the Giza Pyramids, iconic Sphinx, and Sakkara. The tour will end in the city of Memphis, the capital of ancient Egypt

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Gain a deep insight into Ancient Egypt on this full-day tour of the Giza Pyramids, iconic Sphinx, and Sakkara. The tour will end in the city of Memphis, the capital of ancient Egypt

Embark on a full-day tour to the Giza Pyramids, the Sphinx, Memphis, and Sakkara from Cairo. Learn about the treasures of the ancient world with your guide and enjoy a delicious lunch. Start your tour by visiting the Great Pyramids – Cheops, Chephren, and Mykerinos. The highlight of this section is getting close up to the Sphinx – the legendary guardian with a lion’s body and the head of King Chephren.

Admire the impressive statue and get your photo taken beside it.

You will then visit Sakkara, a 27 km journey away from Cairo. The highlight of this section is the Step Pyramid. Built for King Zoser, it is considered an important part of the process of the pyramid evolution.

Finally, you’ll head over to Memphis. Not the home of Elvis, of course, but the ancient capital of Egypt!


  • Expert tour guide (Egyptologist)
  • Transporation by private air-conditioned vehicle
  • Lunch
  • Pickup and drop-off


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